
About the Administrative Policy Manual


newbb电子平台政策手册是一个有机的文件,总是在过渡. 目前有208项政策(还有大约24项拟议的新政策正在处理中)。, 我们以五年为周期进行审查和修订的目标意味着在一个典型的月里, four policies would be updated.

Policy创建、修订和消除过程由Policy 01建立.001, "Preparation of Policies.“执行工作人员政策委员会授权积极修订现有政策和制定新政策. 草案和审稿人对这些草案的评论通过密码保护的审查网站发布——请参阅该页面右下角的“活动索引”链接或政策手册主页.

正式的审查和批准过程最终得到总统的批准. Following approval, 信息技术办公室将新的或新修订的政策放在网站上, and sends out the hardcopy updates.

大学传讯及市场部宣布公布新的及修订后的政策声明, and elimination of existing policies. The new and archive pages, linked here and from the Policy home page, also help you to keep track of changes.

Why the Different Formats?

Revisions of Policy 01.001及相关的政策草拟指引通常会更改政策的指定格式. Further, in their October, 2005, meeting, 受托人通过了一项决议,规定校长对所有政策声明拥有最终批准权, so the signature block had to change. There are two primary categories of online policies:

  • 2002年10月1日以后批准的政策-其在线版本为官方版本.
  • 2002年10月1日之前批准的政策——其在线版本不是官方的.

这两个类别的保单将保持不变,直到其替代品以最新格式获得批准, with the following exceptions:

  • Policies in the first category, whose online versions are official, 是否会在不经过政策01规定的完整审核和批准程序的情况下进行更新.001只适用于政策草拟指引标题为, "Post-Approval Changes to Policies."
  • Policies in the second category, whose online versions are not official, 是否会在不经过政策01规定的完整审核和批准程序的情况下进行更新.001只适用于政策草拟指引标题为, "Post-Approval Changes to Policies.这包括纠正任何剩余的印刷错误, so that they match the signed copy of the policy. (这些旧保单的许多在线版本都是通过扫描已签名的纸质原件,并使用光学字符识别软件将扫描的图像转换为可编辑的文本文件的结果.)

Effective Dates of Policies

Every policy approved since October, 2002, 在签名块的顶部有一个明确的“生效日期”字段吗. Older policies have a "Date Issued,除非有相反的明确说明,否则就是生效日期.

Under HB 187, as of July 1, 2007, 影响雇用机密人员的政策在获得批准后不迟于30天生效. This is indicated explicitly in the signature block. All policies approved before July 1, 2007, and not since updated, 已获校董会确认于七月一日生效, 2007, and continuing in effect until updated or eliminated.

Under SB 3, as of September 17, 2014 (with a subsequent six-month grace period), 政策须提交立法支持委员会, 就像俄亥俄州修订法典和其他州机构的规章制度一样. The LSC systems require formatting changes, 而且生效日期也不能早于申请后10天. OIT只有在总裁签署的硬拷贝到手后才会向LSC提交变更, 因此,生效日期通常是在批准后两周左右, unless HB 187 applies.

Committee and Task Force History

From 1995 to 2002, the manual was provided online just for convenient reference, 以纸质手册(分发给360多人)为正式版本. From April, 2001, through September, 2002, 政策及程序专责小组与有关部门检讨现行政策, suggesting changes to some policies, and the elimination of others. 除了这项审查之外,他们的工作成果还包括修订的政策01.001, "Preparation of Policy and Procedures," which detailed an iterative, interactive review and approval process, 它还包括了一种针对在线阅读优化的政策声明新格式的规范.

Since the Fall of 2002, the online manual has been official; hardcopy publication was restricted to the Executive Staff Officers, including the President, the Executive Vice President and Provost, and the General Counsel, and to the University Archivist. With the exception of those individuals, 信息技术办公室不再出版纸质版的政策更新. In the Winter of 2011, hardcopy publication was further restricted, to University Human Resources, Alden Library, and each regional campus library.

From October 1, 2002, through November 30, 2005, 政策及程序覆核委员会(“覆核委员会”)的成员是通过委员会之委员会设立的, 基于Policy 01当时的最新版本中指定的最小成员数.001.

A new, revised version of Policy 01.001, "Preparation of Policies and Procedures," was approved on February 21, 2006; it specified a different signature block and some other modest formatting changes, 以及正式审查和批准新政策和修订政策的修订过程, 以及由总统直接任命的PPRC成员.

A new, revised version of Policy 01.001, "Preparation of Policies," was approved on January 25, 2011; in addition to format and process changes, 它以“政策编辑审查委员会”(“PERC”)取代了PPRC。. PERC的主席和成员被任命,但委员会从未开会. 2013年5月,该政策再次修订,取消了PERC.


在线政策手册最初由琳达·劳森和凯西·卢埃林创建和维护. Kristina Schnelle在Computer Services工作期间更新了许多政策HTML文件的格式和内容. Since 2002, 大部分HTML文件的更新都是由Dick Piccard完成的, 最初是作为他与政策和程序审查委员会的工作的一部分.

Comments, Suggestions, and Questions

在这个Policy网站的每个页面的末尾都有电子邮件链接,您可以使用这些链接提交评论, suggestions, and questions about any part of the Policy Manual. 意见和建议将转发给适当的人.